Construction of Village Library Planned – August 2006

The Nkhanga Village Library


  • The molding and burning or kilning of 25,000 half timber bricks by 5 Football Clubs from the villages in the
    Working to prepare the bricks and site of the library.

    Working to prepare the bricks and site of the library.

    Nkhanga area. This labor was a thank you gesture to the community for used football jerseys which were donated by Steven Fear, Passback Program Director, Eurosport: The Fabled Soccer Traders, Hillsborough, NC 27278.


  • A series of meetings were held by the ZANOBA Executive Committee to plan for the construction of the library. The amount K700,000.00 from ZANOBA international was used toward the burning of the bricks.  $177.21
  • Clearing brush from the library site.

    Clearing brush from the library site.